Regulatory acceptance and use of next-generation approaches for chemical safety assessment

13th July 2022

As the range of non-animal tools for hazard and exposure assessment continues to grow, regulatory authorities, the regulated industry, and other stakeholders are facing a common challenge to keep up with the rapidly evolving science. At the same time, once seemingly divergent aims of protecting human health, the environment and animal welfare are beginning to converge. As nations continue to develop and revise their chemical regulations, the question of how to take advantage of the latest science and future-proof regulations to keep up with the pace of progress is critical.

In this process, several practical and ethical questions arise: how to move away from animal testing? How to use high-throughput methods (in vitro, in silico) for risk prioritisation? How to include data from toxicogenomics? How to look at complex toxicological endpoints and biological mechanisms using new-approach methodologies?

Join us for a webinar to learn how state-of-the-art science is being used by corporate and government stakeholders in risk assessment and prioritisation to ensure protection.


Dr Julia Fentem, Unilever
Topic: Next-gen tools for chemical safety assessment

Dr Tara Barton-Maclaren, Health Canada
Topic: Regulatory use of bioactivity-exposure ratios for priority-setting and chemical risk assessment

Moderator: Marina Pereira, Humane Society International

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