Consumer Exposure

14th April 2022

Safety assessment of cosmetics is exposure-led. The ability to fully understand in-use scenarios and the subsequent local and systemic exposure metrics can inform the degree of hazard data needed to support a risk assessment. This module covers initial considerations when setting up an exposure assessment, where to find consumer use data, how to estimate exposure using deterministic approaches, how to refine the estimate using probabilistic modeling, and how to approach aggregate exposure.

Presented by AFSA Collaboration members:
Christina Hickey, Firmenich
David Sheffield, Unilever

AFSA Consumer Exposure Training Course Webinar

We value your feedback!

As the AFSA Collaboration works to complete its free Master Class on Animal-Free Cosmetic Safety Assessment, we would appreciate your input on what we’ve developed so far and presented via this webinar preview series. Please take our FEEDBACK SURVEY

AFSA Consumer Exposure Training Course PowerPoint