Webinar: Moving away from animal-based vaccine batch release testing. Opportunities and ongoing activities in China.

Zoom / 3:30-5:35pm Beijing time
16th April 2025

网络研讨会: 摒弃动物疫苗批放行试验。中国的机会和正在进行的活动

Note: The workshop will be in Chinese. Chinese description follows English version below.

REGISTER / 登记 : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UVHAPbvgTi6-LWjJEz5IDg

The webinar series is part of the Humane World for Animals project “Promoting implementation plans for replacement of animal testing for human vaccines” (link), a 3-year project aiming to accelerate the implementation and regulatory acceptance of non-animal approaches for legacy human vaccine batch-release testing with a specific focus on BRICS countries, advancing the dialogue toward global regulatory alignment while generating local implementation plans and competencies.

The webinar aims to provide an overview of the status of the development of in vitro methodologies and approaches for the safety and potency tests performed for the human vaccines batch release, with a specific focus on the opportunities and projects that Chinese stakeholders are working on or taking into consideration for future applications: in vitro potency tests (Rabies, HPV), in vitro bacterial endotoxin tests (recombinant Factor C), in vitro safety or obsolete testing deletion (Abnormal Toxicity Test) or many others.

Humane World for Animals has been collaborating with R&D-based Pharmaceutical Association Committee

(RDPAC) and Council for the Promotion of International Vaccine Cooperation (CPIVC) for the creation of this webinar.


Beijing Time – PMTopicSpeaker
3:00 – 3:15WelcomeLaura Viviani (SciEthiQ/AFSA), Jack Xie (RDPAC), Yuan Yuan (PATH), Jasmine Ma (CPIVC)
3:15 – 3:45Deletion of Abnormal Toxicity Test.Fang Wang, J&J China
3:45 – 4:15Replacement of LAL/TAL with recombinant Factor C. Status and Pharmacopeia regulation status about recombinant Factor C and global validation strategyJixiang Jiao, Roche China
4:15 – 4:45In vitro potency test. Case studies for Covid19, RSV, Bacteria vaccine (EXPEC)Sara Jiang, J&J China
4:45 – 5:15HPV – in vitro potency testLi ShQinjian Zhao, Xiamen University
5:15 – 5:30Availability of critical reagents for in vitro tests – local and global challenges and opportunitiesLe Sun, AbMax Biotechnology
5:30 – 5:35Closing remarksJack Xie (RDPAC), Yuan Yuan (PATH), Jasmine Ma (CPIVC)

About Humane World for Animals and the Animal Free Safety Assessment Collaboration.

Advancing the welfare of animals in more than 50 countries, Humane Society International works around the globe to promote the human-animal bond, rescue and protect dogs and cats, improve farm animal welfare, protect wildlife, promote animal-free testing and research, respond to disasters and confront cruelty to animals in all of its forms.

Within its effort to promote animal-free testing and research, HSI Research&Toxicology department have been collaborating with industry and regulatory stakeholders in the field of medicine, chemicals, cosmetics and biomedical research creating the multistakeholders’ Animal Free Safety Assessment Collaboration. AFSA brings together corporate and non-profit leaders who share the goal of accelerating a modern, species-relevant approach to safety assessment globally to better protect people and our planet, and hasten the replacement of animal testing.

The collaboration has been successfully acting as an independent facilitator or ‘honest broker’ for the project “Deletion or Waiving of Abnormal Toxicity and Target Animal Batch Safety Tests” project.

Over the past few years, AFSA has worked to position itself as a supportive and complementary player, offering a valuable contribution to address a significant gap in the sector:

  • Making sure that an ever-growing number of stakeholders can be engaged, informed and supported in accepting and becoming actors of the change with regard to modern, animal-free vaccine safety tests
  • Establishing a wider climate of international cooperation where the experiences of those who have already succeeded can become beacons – and proof-of-concept/precedent – for those still lagging behind

Together with its member, the International Alliance for Biological Standardization, IABS, AFSA organizes events since the global meeting in Bangkok in December 2019 and have since intensified their exchanges on non-animal-based testing (other examples of webinars and workshops are available).








3:00 – 3:15欢迎Laura Viviani (SciEthiQ/AFSA), Jack Xie (RDPAC), Yuan Yuan (PATH)
3:15 – 3:45删除异常毒性试验  Fang Wang, J&J China
3:45 – 4:15重组C因子的法规变化和全球验证策略简介焦吉祥, Roche China
4:15 – 4:45体外效价测试。新冠、RSV、细菌疫苗(EXPEC)的案例研究Sara Jiang, J&J China
4:45 – 5:15HPV – 体外效价测试Li SQinjian Zhao, Xiamen University
5:15 – 5:30体外测试关键试剂的可用性 – 本地和全球的挑战与机遇Le Sun, AbMax Biotechnology
5:30 – 5:35结束语Jack Xie (RDPAC), Yuan Yuan (PATH), Jasmine Ma (CPIVC)